Ever wonder what we get up to in winter? It depends on the weather! This particular one, I've been taking care of a lot of office business: reorganizing, filing, sorting photos, and cleaning out drawers. I've been making a new website (ta-da!) and connecting with other local growers, chefs and designers to think up collaborative projects. And then of course there is the research, analysis, seed organization, crop plan, hiring, and ordering (endlessly) that ensures that the 2015 season will be our best yet.
There's all this darn snow, too. Every time a big storm is predicted, we fire up the heaters in the greenhouses and cross our fingers that we won't have the bad luck we did two years ago and lose one of them. Wind adds anxiety.
Firewood takes up a lot of Andy's time. We also try to get some clearing projects done, though with snow this deep those will have to wait until spring. We are planning several new perennial beds and general aesthetic improvements for our farm dinners. If you haven't been to one yet, it's your chance to come see the farm, and you won't be disappointed. He also has been finishing construction on a new greenhouse (we finally will have a place to start all of our seeds!)
February marks the beginning of the growing season, if you can believe it. A fair number of flowers and even some vegetables need a long slow start, and we already have a mass of flats with tiny green tendrils working their way toward the sun.
It's a productive, energetic time. But we sure won't mind when spring comes!